At the heart of all Peace and Life products is a unique graphic that links the classic “peace” sign with the biblical symbol for "life". This inspirational emblem promotes the positivity of the human spirit throughout our line of unisex Peace and Life® jewelry, apparel and giftwareand generates sorely needed financial and emotional support for our veterans of the armed services.


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Peace and Life Designs™ Introduces A Fresh Brand And An Engaging Website

These days, we can all use a bit of positive energy. In a world consumed with strife and unrest, driven by constant societal, and philosophical divisiveness, any excuse to find an optimistic diversion is a welcome breath of fresh air. And, when shopping is involved it’s a win-win.Peace and Life Designs™ is an eclectic stylist […]

Find Your Inspiration

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other forms of social media have connected us in ways that we are still struggling to understand. In some ways social media can be extremely positive. But in other ways—for instance, getting our news from those sources—the reliance we place on social media can result in unreliable information about world events. […]

Peace and Life Designs™ Co-Sponsoring Holiday Fundraiser

There’s no better friend or advocate of returning servicemen and servicewomen than Peace and Life Designs™. Long Island based, but with a global message of peaceful coexistence,


A percentage of each sale will provide a veteran with a complimentary art class.
The Spirit of Huntington Art Center is a 501c3 charity that supports veterans with an outlet for creative expression.